
Thursday Oct 15, 2015
Thursday Oct 15, 2015
In this episode, Ricky and Matt discuss the Ed Tech News of the week and are ecstatic to receive our very first listener voicemail.

Thursday Oct 08, 2015
Thursday Oct 08, 2015
In this episode, Ricky and Matt welcome Karla Kmetz Morris to the show to speak about accessibility and give her perspective and she also shares great resources that can help us all understand accessibility in a deeper way. We also discuss the news of the week, as always, including Google's plan to bring VR into the classroom, a new school to tackle shortages of computer engineers, and a landmark accessibility case that was settled between a blind woman and the Seattle school district.

Thursday Oct 01, 2015
Thursday Oct 01, 2015
In this episode, Ricky and Matt focus on stories and resources that deal with accessibility and throw in a cool story about an awesome math app.

Thursday Sep 24, 2015
Thursday Sep 24, 2015
In this episode, Ricky and Matt talk about a standout student that gets to interview the Woz, ways the digital age might help struggling readers, Bill De Blasio mandates computer science for NY students, and we go over some great resources to help you learn to code.

Wednesday Sep 09, 2015
Wednesday Sep 09, 2015
In this episode, Ricky and Matt discuss AppreNet's latest round of funding, SXSWEdu 2016 trends, The tech diversity gap, and how a drone could impact education.

Thursday Aug 27, 2015
Thursday Aug 27, 2015
In this episode of Ed Tech Weekly, Ricky and Matt discuss Google's project Loon in Sri Lanka, Microsoft's P-TECH schools, and we talk about Box offering free cloud storage. We take an in depth look at exactly what Cloud storage and services mean so you can intelligently talk about it with colleagues.

Tuesday Jul 28, 2015
Tuesday Jul 28, 2015
In this episode Matt and Ricky discuss the Ed Tech News of the week. Microsoft offers free technical eBooks, A bilingual program for better understanding math, and we ponder about devices ruining our love of nature.

Monday Jul 20, 2015
Monday Jul 20, 2015
In this episode, Ricky and Matt talk about Google Camp, Open Classroom, and Microsoft HoloLens.

Tuesday Jul 07, 2015
Tuesday Jul 07, 2015
In this episode of Ed Tech Weekly, Ricky and Matt discuss the Iraqi government shutting down the internet during testing, Google expanding its Classroom platform, and iTunes University updates.

Tuesday Jun 30, 2015
Tuesday Jun 30, 2015
In this episode of Ed Tech Weekly, Ricky and Matt discuss a gunfire detecting microphone for schools, Skype adds two new real-time translated languages, learn coding with Minecraft. Tip of the week is using response card technology and the resource of the week is edtechwomen.com